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Gas chromatography: What is it for?

Gas chromatography is a technique for separating gas mixtures that is used in many industries, including aromatherapy. In the field of aromatherapy, gas chromatography is used to analyze essential oils and determine their chemical composition.

Los aceites esenciales son mezclas complejas de compuestos volátiles obtenidos de plantas aromáticas. Cada aceite esencial es único y suele contener hasta más de 50 compuestos químicos diferentes. La cromatografía de gases permite separar los componentes individuales de un aceite esencial y analizarlos de manera precisa y confiable. Esto es importante para determinar la calidad y autenticidad de un aceite esencial y para entender su composición.

In addition, gas chromatography is also used to identify the chemotype of an essential oil. Essential oils can be produced by different subspecies, varieties or cultivars of the same plant, and these different types can have distinct chemical compositions. The identification of the chemotype of an essential oil is important in determining its quality and value, as well as in better understanding its properties and potential applications.

In conclusion, gas chromatography is an indispensable tool in the field of aromatherapy in ensuring that essential oils are of therapeutic grade and in understanding their composition and properties. This analysis is crucial in order to use essential oils safely, avoiding any harm to health and optimizing their therapeutic effects.
