Gaultheria: almost like aspirin!
La Gaulteria o ‘Wintergreen’ en inglés es un mini-arbusto siempreverde de 10 a 15cm, nativo de los bosques de América del norte, Canadá, Nepal y China. Se trata de una
La Gaulteria o ‘Wintergreen’ en inglés es un mini-arbusto siempreverde de 10 a 15cm, nativo de los bosques de América del norte, Canadá, Nepal y China. Se trata de una
Do you struggle with falling asleep at night or find yourself tossing and turning until the early hours of the morning? Sleep is a crucial part of our overall health and wellbeing
Gas chromatography is a technique for separating gas mixtures that is used in many industries, including aromatherapy. In the field of aromatherapy, gas chromatography
Quality essential oils are important to achieve effective results and avoid harm. There are many alternative products to essential oils such as fragrances, oils, macerates, absolutes and extracts
The fascination of humans towards exquisite perfumes has been a recurring theme throughout history. Aromatic plants have been used since ancient Egypt