The Oregano of the Incas
The Khunuca pronounced Juñuca (Muña blanca, Muña Juñuca) – Satureja boliviana (Clinopodium bolivianum) - is a perennial plant from the Labiatae family that takes the form of a small shrub,
The Khunuca pronounced Juñuca (Muña blanca, Muña Juñuca) – Satureja boliviana (Clinopodium bolivianum) - is a perennial plant from the Labiatae family that takes the form of a small shrub,
En el antiguo Egipto, las fragancias eran consideradas el aliento de los mismos dioses, uniendo el mundo mortal y el divino. Los perfumes e inciensos no eran simplemente placeres sensoriales,
La ciencia de separar para reunir La espagiria es una rama de la alquimia nacida del trabajo del alquimista Paracelso, quien definió los tres principios esenciales o Tria Prima: sal
The Khunuca pronounced Juñuca (Muña blanca, Muña Juñuca) – Satureja boliviana (Clinopodium bolivianum) - is a perennial plant from the Labiatae family that takes the form of a small shrub,
EL ÁRBOL DE QUINA El árbol de Quina o Cinchona (Cinchona officinalis) es una planta medicinal que ha sido utilizada por las comunidades indígenas de América del Sur durante siglos
Copuazú butter is a cosmetic product with a rich history in the Amazon. Derived from the seeds of the Copuazú fruit tree (Theobroma grandiflorum), also known as
Traditional phytotherapy is an alternative medical system that uses plants or herbs to treat physical and mental imbalances and illnesses. Phytotherapists have developed a wide range of galenic forms
The 'Slow cosmetics' movement has gained popularity in recent years as a response to growing concern for health and the environment in the cosmetics and beauty products industry.